Monday, July 4, 2011

Crunch Time

Hey everyone!

So the past couple of days have been basically all about the concerts. We did a complete run-through of our songs yesterday...which timed out to like a 3 hour concert (!!!!). So Tracy and Wolfgang are deciding today what to cut. It will be interesting to see which songs they decide to throw out. Either way, it will be a long concert haha. Before each song, Wolfgang reads the poem to the audience. It's a great way to get "in the zone" for the song. Tracy also recorded us yesterday with a video camera, and then we painfully watched ourselves. So all in all, class was like 5 hours long yesterday and we were all exhausted.

Val and I had signed out for dinner, as did 3 other people, so we knew we couldn't eat here at the Schloss. But I was definitely regretting that we would have to actually walk someplace. We decided to try the Gasthaus that is about a 30 minute hike up the mountain. However, when we got there it was closed. Sooo we either could walk 20 more minutes to some Italian restaurant on the other side of the mountain, and then hike an hour back to the Schloss in the dark (if we could even find the restaurant...), or we could hike back to the Schloss, and then continue down the mountain into town. So we chose the latter, and wound up at a little bar. Our waiter was familiar with a couple of the people I was with, and we were all starving after our hour excursion up and down the mountain. So I ordered a cheeseburger (I know, I know...but I was craving one so badly!) and some fries. We all were ordering sides with our meals, and our waiter just kept laughing at us. It didn't help that our German is pretty awful haha. So we finally get our food, and there had to have been about 12 plates of food on the table...we had no idea how we ended up with so much food! One girl even ordered the complete wrong thing as to what she thought she ordered haha. And to top it all off, our waiter brought out bread! So we feasted, and the food was actually very good. I left with Val before everyone else around 9:45 pm, because I had a skype date with Dan. Which I was still late to, because we had to hike back UP the mountain to the Schloss. Needless to say, I am sore today haha.

So today we have our final dress rehearsal. A concert tomorrow evening at a venue I'm still not clear about where it's located, and Wednesday night a concert at the Schloss in our piano room. We have a free morning today, which is much welcome, considering that a charter bus full of people arrived at 4:30 am and started unloading their luggage right outside of my window. So after my alarm went off and I called Dan for our daily chat, I definitely went back to sleep for another hour. So far today I have been doing laundry, and need to warm up before lunch so I can be ready for the long dress rehearsal (which is again being recorded).

This is the view outside of our poetry classroom. So lovely.

Happy fourth everyone!

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