Sunday, June 19, 2011

Der Tag der Regen

So it's been raining for the past day...and I never thought I would be cold on my SUMMER trip! But it is definitely a bit chilly outside!

Day 5 brings me many new experiences. We only had "Work with Words" classes all day, and after an hour and a half session in the morning, and a nearly 4 hour session in the afternoon...I am exhausted! These classes are challenging and very intense, and Wolfgang has already influenced me to focus so much more on the text. He reads through the poetry and has us mimic him, and it sounds silly but it truly helps. It's a lot like telling a child a story...we exaggerate words, elongate words, and change volume and intensity. I never thought there would be such extremity placed on learning just the text alone of a song.

This is the German text of Frühlingsnacht by Schumann...text by von Eichendorff

[Über'n]1 Garten durch die Lüfte
Hört' ich Wandervögel ziehn,
Das bedeutet Frühlingsdüfte,
Unten fängt's schon an zu blühn.

Jauchzen möcht' ich, möchte weinen,
Ist mir's doch, als könnt's nicht sein!
[Alte]3 Wunder wieder scheinen
Mit dem [Mondesglanz]2 herein.

Und der Mond, die Sterne sagen's,
Und im [Träumen]4 rauscht's der Hain,
Und die Nachtigallen schlagen's:
Sie ist deine! Sie ist dein!

And here is the English version:
Above the garden and across the sky
 I heard migrating birds passing;
 that meant that spring was in the air;
 below, things are already beginning to bloom.
 I could rejoice, I could weep -
 I feel as though it cannot be!
 Old wonders appear again
 with the moonlight.
 And the moon and stars say it,
 and in a dream the grove murmurs it,
 and the nightingales sing it:
 she is yours! She is yours!
It's a beautiful and exuberant poem. I have no idea still what the music is like.
I went on a walk through the lovely mountainside today, and took some photos:

Some pictures around the Schloss:

Pictures of my room: 

I also have a top floor room, so my window is really like a sun-roof thing. It gets very hot in the morning haha.
Hope everyone is doing great!

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