Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Die Sonne


Just a brief update before my poetry lesson...

Yesterday I had a nice big break in the middle of the day, and spent it practicing, relaxing, reading, and writing postcards. However, I found out that a stamp is almost 3 US dollars, so my 4 postcards I'm going to send will be the only ones I send haha. We had a performance class yesterday evening that went loooong, and I wasn't back in my room until about 10 pm. We all had to dress in our gowns so that we could take a picture for the promotional poster for the final concert and for the program.

I'm struggling with learning my third song, which is a lot higher than I am used to singing, and I'm having difficulties sustaining those top notes. Also, yesterday morning there was a HUGE awkward disagreement between a couple of the students and the instructors during our group poetry class. There seem to be some people here who are unwilling to open their minds and learn...and I'm thankfully not one of them. Tracy actually thanked me today in my lesson for really trying to learn and take everything they tell me and apply it. Needless to say, living with 9 singers is NOT easy haha. I really miss home, but I have only 9 days left and am going to absorb as much as I can!

I need to get ready for my lesson, but will update again tomorrow! I think I'm singing again in performance class today. Hope everyone is holding Kansas down! :)

Some pictures around the Schloss:
 The Schloss at night. We have lessons in those 2 towers, actually.
I'm guessing this building is where the landscapers stay? But this is the organic garden on the Schloss. The food we eat daily is organic and is grown here. There is also a fruit tree plantation I need to take pictures of. It's beautiful.


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